Buying and delivering goods from Russia: specifics and tips
Buying and delivering goods from Russia: specifics and tips
Russian online stores have long attracted buyers from Europe, Japan, America and other countries with their low prices and high-quality goods. Using our service, customers can buy and ship everything from Yandex Stations and books to woodworking machines and food. But, as in any country in the world, ordering and delivery from Russia is carried out according to its regulations and specifics. We will tell you more about these nuances right now.
In most online stores in Russia, foreign customers cannot pay with their local cards or via PayPal. For ordering the item you want without any problems, we suggest using one of the alternative options.
Usually, to pay for goods in a Russian online store, you need to be the holder of a Russian bank card. Most buyers from abroad do not have one, but you can buy goods in Russia through the order form on our website. You will need to indicate name, size, colour, model number, etc. And also copy the link to the product from the seller’s website. So that we can easily find and redeem your order. You can transfer money to a bank account using several payment options (shown in the ADD Money dashboard). To use this service, you need to register.
If you want to redeem the goods yourself, you can always use our shopping address in Russia. You should enter it in the “Delivery address” field when placing an order. This is the address of one of our warehouses in Russia. There we will receive the goods and prepare them for further shipment to your home address. The complete list of addresses will be available after registration in the Personal Area. For more information about using the address for purchases check the website.
You can always write to the managers of the online store yourself and ask them for an invoice for payment. You can make the payment to the bank using the provided bank details.
To pay for the order you created on the website just register and top up your balance with the required amount. How to form an order for the redemption of several products from one store or to pick up your purchases from the store, see on this page.
Important! Many Russian online stores send goods by cash on delivery, i.e. with payment on the spot. If you order goods to the address of one of our warehouses with payment on the spot, then be sure to write about this in the comments to the order, to the manager in the online chat or in the message on the website. We need to know this in advance in order to confirm your order when the store manager calls. And do not forget to replenish the balance in advance for the required amount. Account replenishment options are indicated in the Personal Area.
It also happens that the ordered goods are shipped to the nearest post office, to the point of delivery of parcels or the address of the transportation company. During the order creation process in a particular store, you will learn about possible delivery options in Russia. The system will offer you various options. And we also need to know about it in advance so that we can pick up your goods on time. Therefore, do not forget to indicate such information in the comment section to the order for the expected parcel. Picking up and transporting the parcel to our warehouse has an additional cost. Learn more about prices.
In our warehouse, you can collect several orders from different online stores into one package weighing up to 30 kg and send it to your home address. Very often, packaging from Russian online stores is not suitable for transportation abroad. Therefore, we carefully check its integrity, change the wrapping paper and boxes, prepare and repackage the parcels so that they can be delivered to you safely.
We send parcels in two ways: either by mail or by EMS. You can always track your order with the tracking number, which is attached to each shipment. Also, you will receive updates about the status of your parcel by email.
When registering delivery on our website, you can make an inventory of the goods and mention the cost of each item. This amount will be indicated in the export declaration.
If you are ordering parts, spare parts or other large-sized goods, then take into account its dimensions for transportation. For example, we cannot send an item with a length of 2.5 meters by mail or EMS, the maximum size of one side should not exceed 1.05 m (when sent by mail) and 1.5 m (when sent with EMS). For more information about the sizes and overall dimensions, check out the section Rates on our website.
For fragile goods, like chandeliers, dishware, mirrors, headlights, fragile plastic, etc., you will definitely need additional packaging. See the cost of all services below.
As for sending large goods (engines, cabinets, equipment), we deliver such cargo only to neighbouring countries. Namely, to Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Belarus, etc. That is, to countries with duty-free import from Russia. In countries such as the USA, Australia, the EU, etc., delivery of bulky items from Russia is not yet possible due to the Covid-19 pandemic.
- Commission for redemption through the order form – 7%
- Russian shopping address – €3
- Pick-up from the post office, point of issue – €15
- Packaging for transportation from Russia
- Up to 5 kg / 9€
- Up to 10 kg / 18€
- Up to 20 kg / 24€
- Up to 30 kg / 32€
- Additional packaging of fragile items – 10-20€
- Detailed photo report of the content – free of charge
- Combining parcels together – free of charge
- Registration of the export declaration – €1,20
- Delivery rate – depending on the country
Of course, this is not a complete list of Russian online stores. But if you don’t know where to start yet, then our small review will help you figure it out.

Bulletin board with new and used goods. Here you will find equipment, spare components, sports goods and more.
We are always ready to help you understand the intricacies of purchasing and delivery from Russia. And if you have any problems, our Russian managers can always talk on your behalf with the seller. To do this, you just need to send us:
- order number
- copy and date of payment
- link to the store
Our managers will contact the store. They will respond in the comments to the order.
We hope that our tips will help you order and receive goods from Russia without any problems. If you have any questions, reach us by mail at or leave a message in the online chat on our website.
Enjoy the shopping.