Delivery from “Moto-Scuter”. An overview of the shop of scooter spares from Russia

Moto-Scuter is a Russian online-shop of scooter spares. It was founded in 1998. The shop is situated in Saint-Peterburg but sells all over the country by means of a wonderful online-shop. On the website there is a wide range of goods. More than 6000 names and 15000 articles. Choose, and will help with delivery from “Moto-scuter”.

The selection is really wide. And includes not only scooter spares but boat motors. There are even chain saws here. But let’s look at spares in more detail.


But before overviewing the shop, let’s specify some details, important for using their website conveniently.

The website is in Russian. So you can use translation services. For example, Google Translate.

The prices on the site are given in Russian roubles. Exploring the site by yourselves, have in mind that at present 1 euro is approximately equal to 95 Russian roubles. For knowing more precise prices, please, specify the rate of exchange while doing the shopping.

On buying for more than 7500 roubles you won’t have to pay for the transfer of the selected article on the territory of Russia – “Moto-Scuter” will undertake these expenses.

Ordering from “Moto-Scuter” isn’t difficult. The simplest way is to place an order on Indicate the link to a necessary article. And our managers will arrange the purchase.

Spares for Japanese scooters

The sections of the website represent the country which your two-wheel pet was made in. The website is divided in sections for Japanese, Chinese and Russian scooters. Let’s start with Japanese ones.

Without shock absorbers a scooter might fall apart on the first bump. Without variator it won’t reach even there (only if you carry it in your arms). And the name “clutch drum” seems to speak for itself. All those parts are necessary and important. And they can be bought on the site. Featured are the most popular manufacturers such as Yamaha, Honda or Sukuzi. Choose, and we will provide the delivery from “Moto-Scuter“.

Delivery from "Moto-Scuter": Japan Scooters

Spares for Chinese scooters

Do you have a chinese motocycle, scooter or pit bike? Buy spares on Moto-Scuter. For comfort search of parts for a scooter use sorting between “ZIP 152QMI, 157MJ, 158QMI” and “ZIP 138QMB”. Order big parts as a muffler or a wheel disk. Or buy spare sets of oil seals which will make you a real “Lord of rings”.

Delivery from "Moto-Scuter": China Scooters

Spares for Russian motocycles

If you are a lucky owner of a two-wheel friend from Russia, then “Moto-Scuter” is the very site that you need. Here you can buy spares for Jawa. These are czechoslovakian mopeds and motocycles which have become cult in USSA and Russia. A group popular in Russia “Sector Gaza” even dedicated a song to Jawa. And you can spare your time for browsing the according section of the site.

The motocycles Izh are not less popular in Russia. Do you have one? It’s wise to make a spare of parts. For example, of clutch disks. And for motoroller Muravei it would be good to have a spare kickstarter shaft.


Delivery from "Moto-Scuter": Izh


Glasses, gloves, helmets and helmet liners. For example, you can order a flip-up helmet THH T-797. It is a full-face helmet safely protecting the head, but if you wish you can quickly transform it into open-face. Or a hemlet Aoshi 710. This open-face helmet is good for summer time. Have a nice ride!

And in gloves Axe ST07 you can feel as a participant of punk-group “Misfits”. A “skeleton” print is fit for that!

Explore the site, choose goods which you like, and will organize the delivery from “Moto-Scuter.


Delivery from "Moto-Scuter": helmet

Have a nice shopping! And don’t forget that the delivery from «Moto-Scuter» is not a problem with

The service will help you to place, pay and get the order.

For that:

  1. Sign in on the site
  2. Contact us by Whatsapp or email, send the name, link and cost of the article to our manager for placing an order.
  3. Pay with credit card or by PayPal.
  4. Wait for your purchases to arrive at a store of

After the parcel having arrived at the store and store processing, arrange the shipment to your city. Use our shipping calculator to calculate an approximate cost.

The terms of delivery can be shifted due to the international circumstances. The average term of delivery is 2-3 weeks, but a parcel can arrive earlier or later.

Do you have any questions? Ask them to our online consultant in chat or by email We are always available.

Nice shopping!