Delivery of goods from Russia. Where do the Russians buy? Overview. Delivery by Aukciony. Part II

Russia is immense. And it’s impossible to cover all the popular goods from Russia in one overview. And even in two. But we will try to make it easier for you to choose and will tell about some brands. In the previous article we started to tell what the Russian themselves like to order. So, we continue. What goods from Russia are taken in Russia itself? Choose, and will help with delivery.

Delivery of goods from Russia. Marketplaces

They are very popular in Russia. Here you can order a wide variety of goods. At that they are situated within walking distance. In towns they are at every corner. And have even appeared in some villages. Two leaders are OZON and Wildberries. We think that OZON has a bit better reputation, and Wildberries has a bit lower prices. But both of them deserve to be scrutinized. There are other marketplaces. For example, MagnitMarket and MegaMarket. But their popularity isn’t so high.

Delivery of goods from Russia. MarketplacesDelivery of goods from Russia. Marketplaces


Delivery of goods from Russia. Marketplaces

Delivery goods from Russia. Devices

To start, we will single out a marketplace. This is Yandex.Market. It’s universal. But the Russians often buy devices there. We will mention electronic discounter Citylink and its powerful competitor DNS. But M-Video is still heading the list of sales of household appliances and electronics in Russia. At the Russian market of electronics foreign producers dominate. But it still can be cheaper to order goods from Russia, even taking into account the delivery.

Delivery of goods from Russia. SportDelivery of goods from Russia. Sport

Delivery of goods from Russia. Sport

Delivery of goods from Russia. Sport

In Russia we like sport, and here there are our own large sport brands. The brightest is probably Jogel. It’s a Russian sport brand making sport clothes. And also equipment for team kinds of sport. Jogel is gradually conquering the Russian market, finds as big, as small partners. It collaborates as with Russian national football team, as with the Futsal Association of Udmurtia. The production of Jogel is characterized by a trade-off between quality and price.

If Jogel is the brightest, then Demix is the largest. It makes things which are cheap but good. Some things just can’t be worn out! That’s why the goods of Demix in Russia are often bought for training process.

There are also highly specialized sport brands in Russia. For example, gloves for a football goalkeeper Spire. They were designed by blogger Evgeniy Spiryakov. Igor Akinfeev, a goalkeeper of the club CSKA, plays in gloves Spire.

Delivery of goods from Russia. SportDelivery of goods from Russia. Sport

Delivery of goods from Russia. Sport

Delivery of goods from Russia. Watch

Russia has famous traditions of making watch. In general, they have Soviet roots. Watch made in USSR was famous for its reliability. At that even simple models are visually nice. The first Russian brand is Chaika. It is made at the Uglich watch plant. This brand has glorious history. In USSR the watch Chaika was cult.

Another brand famous since the Soviet times is Pobeda. This watch has been made since 1945. Now this brand doesn’t have many models. The assortment isn’t wide and fits into one price segment. But you can scrutinize it, if you want to get to know the glorious brand. The brand Raketa is doing better. Both the brands of watch are made at the oldest manufacture of Russia. The Petrodvortsoviy watch plant was founded in 1721 by Emperor Petr I. The brand Raketa is characterized by wonderful assortment and well-designed models. They combine elements of modern and retro styles. Moreover, they are comfortable and functional.

Delivery of goods from Russia. ChaikaDelivery of goods from Russia. Watch

Delivery of goods from Russia. WatchDelivery of goods from Russia. Watch

And many others

Goods from Russia is the subject that can be continued endlessly. But we have to stop. That’s why we will just write about goods which we want to show. Just three brands more.

These are microphones Oktava. The brand has almost a hundred-year history. Its microphones are readily used even by rock stars – as foreign, as Russian. Molotov and Levitan informed people of USSR about important events during World War II through loud-speakers Oktava. In the microphone Oktava Yuriy Gagarin said “Let’s go” when for the first time in the history of the mankind he set off to the space. A lot of Soviet singers used the microphone Oktava. It was this microphone which vocalist Thom Yorke from Radiohead chose while recording the cult album “ОК Computer”. And he is not the one singer who has chosen the high quality of microphones Oktava.

The second brand is Holynose. This is niche perfume. Urbanistic scents of Holynose won’t leave valuers indifferent. One refers to the walk about a city at the sunrise after a party. Another refers to the scent of deserted overgrown with grass building.

And we will end the overview by the brand Natura Siberica. This is one of the leaders of making organic cosmetics. This cosmetics is made on the basis of wild herbs of Siberia and Far East of Russia.

Choose goods from Russia! And will organize delivery.

Delivery of goods from Russia. SportDelivery of goods from Russia. Sport

Delivery of goods from Russia. Sport

Shipment from Russia

How to buy in Russia? We have prepared for you FAQ about purchase and delivery of goods from Russia where you may find answers to popular questions about delivery.

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  4. Wait for your purchases to arrive at a warehouse of

After the arrival of the parcel at the warehouse and its processing (taking a photo, weighting), you may arrange the shipment to your city and follow it by track-number. Use our shipment calculator to calculate an approximate cost.

The terms of delivery can be shifted due to the international circumstances. The average term of delivery is 2-3 weeks, but a parcel can arrive earlier or later.

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