Goods from Russia. What is ordered? Overview. Delivery by Aukciony

Russia is a large country. Here there is a huge assortment of… everything! We would like to make the search of interesting offers in Russia easier for you. That’s why we will write three overviews in which we will tell about goods from Russia. In one we will tell what representatives of other countries order by In two others – what Russian goods are popular among the Russians. And let’s start from the first subject. Order goods from Russia. And will help with delivery of goods from Russia.

Delivery of goods from Russia. Collection goods

First of all, they are looked for on Avito. Avito is a big Russian marketplace. Here not only shops sell their goods. There are a lot of private persons. Any Russian can sign up on Avito and try to sell something or offer his services.

Here you can find rare clothes from famous brands such as Gucci, Chanel and Paciotti. Or you can find stamps, pins, photos of famous people with autographs. And also other rarities. Depending on what you are collecting. Avito is one of the largest websites of the largest country. Here there are a lot of everything. In more details about purchases on Avito we wrote in this and this articles. Beside Avito, there is also demand for purchases from the Oskelly and the auction Meshok. Here collection rarities are often put up.

While buying on Avito, you need to be careful and to choose approved sellers. And, of course, to make sure that you are offered the right thing. Ask additional questions. is ready to be a mediator. Order goods from Russia, and we will help to specify all the details, will buy out and deliver goods.

Delivery of goods from Russia Avito

Delivery of goods from Russia Avito

Delivery of goods from Russia. Car and motorcycle spares

In Russia there is a wide choice of websites with car and motorcycle spares. The largest ones are Drom and Farpost about which we have already written. They can also be found on Avito. And motorcyclists can pay attention, for example, to the websites Moto-Scuter (our article about it), BikeLand and Motor Mir. The website Russkiy Motor specializes in Russian motorcycles. All of them are popular: the demand for spares is high.

People are looking for spares in Russia for two reasons. First, parts for Russian motor vehicles are more likely found in Russia. Second, some spares for foreign motor vehicles are cheaper in Russia even taking into account their delivery. Car and motorcycle parts from Russia are waiting for you!

Delivery of goods from Russia car sparesDelivery of goods from Russia car spares

Delivery of goods from Russia motorcycle sparesDelivery of goods from Russia motorcycle spares

Delivery of goods from Russia. Books

Russian authors are among the most respected in the world literature. A lot of Russian writers are considered classics. Others, for sure, will become great in the future. It’s not surprising that books from Russia are often ordered. That can be books of Russian authors in Russian. That can be Russian authors’ works but in English. And sometimes foreign publications in English or other languages. In Russia sometimes you can find rather rare publications. Or just very beautiful. Russian publishers understand that in the century of reading from electronic devices the paper book must be beautiful, pleasant to handle and comfortable to read.

Chitai-gorod is quite popular. It’s a wonderful online-shop about which we have written a separate article. A wide assortment of goods in the shop Labirint also draws attention. The demand in the shops Bookvoed is a bit lower, that is strange as this is a great all-Russian chain of book shops. We advise fans of reading not to give a wide berth to it. These are three foundations of a book market in Russia.

Delivery of goods from Russia Chitai-GorodDelivery of goods from Russia Labirint

Delivery of goods from Russia Bookvoed

Delivery of goods from Russia. Comics

In Russia the geek-culture was most popular five years ago. But nowadays it has its fans too. It means that there are a lot of shops of comics. One of the largest ones is We have already written about it. There is an excellent assortment in Chook & Geek. These are two websites from which comics from Russia are ordered the most often. In Russia they are also popular.

Delivery of goods from Russia 28oiDelivery of goods from Russia 28oiDelivery of goods from Russia 28oi

Delivery of goods from Russia ChookGeekDelivery of goods from Russia ChookGeekDelivery of goods from Russia ChookGeek

Delivery of goods from Russia. Clothes

Russian fashion is booming now. We have already devoted four articles to it. These are links to each of them: I, II, III, IV. And about several brands we wrote separately. And we are going to continue! Befree, Lime, Amour, Svyataya and some other brands have gained hearts of Russian fashionable men and women. And they want to develop outside Russia too.

And Russian goods are bought! The choice of beautiful quality clothes is wide. And prices are good. For example, there is excellent cashmere clothes in Monncashmere, and it costs not much. Choose clothes and other goods from Russia. And will organize delivery.

Delivery of goods from Russia LimeDelivery of goods from Russia Amourrr

Delivery of goods from Russia SvyatayaDelivery of goods from Russia Monncashmere

Delivery of goods from Russia. Good for sport fans

Russia is a country where people like sport. Here there are a lot of good sportsmen and teams. And, of course, they have their fans who buy sport attributes, that’s why there are a lot of online shops with attributes. There is demand for it abroad too. Russian hockey is on demand. For example, the attributes of the current champion Metallurg.

Football leaders Zenit, Spartak, CSKA and Dinamo are also in the centre of attention. In Russia there are a lot of shops of sport attributes, and every serious club has its fan-shop. In more details about sport attributes for fans we wrote in a separate article. Choose fan clothes, and don’t worry about delivery. The service will arrange it.

Delivery of goods from Russia MetallurgDelivery of goods from Russia Zenit

Delivery of goods from Russia CSKADelivery of goods from Russia Kristall

Shipment from Russia

How to buy in Russia? We have prepared for you FAQ about purchase and delivery of goods from Russia where you may find answers to popular questions about delivery.

The service will help you to place, pay and get the order.

For that:

  1. Sign in on the site
  2. Contact us by Whatsapp or email, send the name, link and cost of the article to our manager for placing an order.
  3. Use PayPal for payment.
  4. Wait for your purchases to arrive at a warehouse of

After the arrival of the parcel at the warehouse and its processing (taking a photo, weighting), you may arrange the shipment to your city and follow it by track-number. Use our shipment calculator to calculate an approximate cost.

The terms of delivery can be shifted due to the international circumstances. The average term of delivery is 2-3 weeks, but a parcel can arrive earlier or later.

Do you have any questions? Ask them to our online consultant in chat or by email We are always available.

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